Monday, September 30, 2013


Giant ants attacking us?? At least they weren't giant spiders... that would have been way worse. This movie really took it to the next level with visuals and creating giant monsters for the film. Sadly, we do not see that now-a-days since everything we create is made on computers. This was a creepy film and I think it was successful, unlike some of the other films we've watched.

The scene that caught my attention was during the board meeting the scientist guy and other men were having showing clips of ants and what they do. What was funny is how the scientist talks about the species and how the female is dominant and the male ants are puny, workers, etc. While explaining all of the female empowerment in this species, you don't see one woman in that room full of men, which I found pretty sad.

Like mentioned in class, I watched a video about the Wilhelm screams used throughout the film and I found this interesting because I caught every one throughout and I didn't know that it was a type of scream until I came across a video. This was probably one of the most interesting aspects of the film since I havent heard anything like it from the other films and the use is so important to this film.

This was one of my favorite films by far, mainly because it was so weird and actually kept my attention. Like the other movies, it also quickly ended just like in The Thing. One of my favorite scenes was when they were down in the sewers looking for the giant Ants and the female character tells the two guys to burn down the eggs. It completely reminded me of Alien when Ripley just burns up all the ends in the nest and eventually runs into the mama! So dang awesome.

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